Friday, September 14, 2012

Next step in improving

I want to share my second step in the Mind-Body-Spirit aspect of healing.  Let's start with a patient.
  She is a young lady, overweight, who hurts a lot.  She is on Methadone, or a long acting pain medication and goes daily to a clinic to be given her medication.  She smokes cigarettes and lives with her parents, her boyfriend and her son.
  I had previously discussed the mind body spirit approach discussed in the previous posts.
My next step is to give focus to improving the patient.  I use gioals - written and reviewed, as a way to focus the patient and to lay out a path of healing.  Since I do the same thing myself, I don't feel hypocritical AND I have experienced it succeeding.  
  The Goals are listed in the order of SPIREOF.
S - Spiritual
P - Physical
I - Intellect
R - Relationship
E- Emotional
O- Occupational
  I didn't develop this list myself, but rather I got it from someone who got it from someone.  

How this works:
  First, the goals are done for daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, 5 year plans and 10 year plans.  I will focus mainly on the daily portion.  
  Since the Spirit portion of my chart is truly the Spirit within the individual, and not a religious object or theory, it works for everyone.  The Spirit is Life.  It is what animates our bodies and what hurts when we are yelled at.  When our focus is on ourselves, we become a "Natural Man."  (This idea comes from the Book of Mormon, in the Book of Mosiah, which I recommend for everyone to read the about God and improving.)  "The Natural Man" is the selfish part of us, that totally turns in and focuses on ourselves.  To improve the spirit, we need to look outwards and focus on others.  We need to sacrifice, volunteer, or help others.  By doing so, we help ourselves feel better.  This is a gift, that by giving to others, we give to ourselves.  
  Under the Spiritual portion of the list, we write down what we are going to do to improve our spirit.  This can be volunteering, sharing, complimenting people or even donating.  Religious activity fits there, if it is used to improve yourself.  Time and sincerity are more effective than money, as a general rule.  
 Looking up, I see this is getting long.  I will continue next time on the rest of the series.

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